Monday, 27 January 2014

Contents Pages

For the next three weeks your focus is on developing the contents page for your music magazine.

The deadline for completion is 14th February.

You need to:

Research- identify the codes and convention of contents pages for music magazines by analysing existing products.

Planning- decide if you are producing a 1 or 2 page contents pageproduce 8 layout sketches for your contents page, show use of grids, guidelines and columns  produce mock-up ideas and show development of these with clear and detailed annotation explaining decisions and justification for your ideas.  Use key terminology and highlight these where used.

Construction- complete your final contents page and upload it to your blog.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Blog of the week.

This is fabulous work.  Really love the quality of the work that is developing.  You have managed to take some excellent photos that are very professional looking and create the look of a real product.  Your work on the use of fonts with variety and emphasis is well developed.  This is grade A work all the way- keep it up!
  If you want to know what you need to do to get into the high grade boundaries then take a look at this BLOG.

  2 green cards and a chocolate bar for you!


It is really good to see so many good examples of excellent work in progress.  There are students from both groups who are demonstrating really good quality work and are keeping their blogs up to date with frequent and regular posts.  Uploading the development of draft ideas and mock-ups, showing how work has been edited and the tools and effects you have used.  Explaining and justifying the decisions you have made about why things do or don't work as you want them to.  What changes you are making and why.  

This makes it all the more disappointing to look at some peoples' blogs and see that they have not uploaded anything at all this year!  Or at most a couple of posts in January.

This is not good at all and is not the kind of approach that will secure you a good grade (anything above a grade D).  

You must post at least once or twice a week, not once a month.  

S O R T   I  T   O U T!

Friday, 17 January 2014


For homework for both groups you need to register an account with padlet at 

Make sure you note down your username and password somewhere safe please. 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Comments on your blogs

Keep an eye on your blogs over the next couple of weeks as I will be adding comments about your progress and the latest posts you are uploading.

Remember that you need to show the development of your front cover from the initial stages to the final constructed product.  Use screenshots and annotation to explain and justify your decisions and actions and wherever possible use correct terminology.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

12A Media- Absence Work for today

Morning all.

As I said on Monday I am at a meeting this morning so you need to continue to make progress with your front cover drafts and mock-ups.

Don't forget the deadline for the final front cover is 24th January.

Remember to consider the conventions and the elements that an audience expects to see on the front cover of a magazine.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Welcome back.

Now that the mocks have finished it is time to get cracking on the coursework.
Some of you have not posted on your blogs for 3-4 weeks, this is really not good.
This term is when you need to complete your final products (60% of the marks) and complete your evaluation (20% of the marks).

You have lots to do and you do need to put yourself under some pressure to get it completed to the best of your ability.

I will be checking individual progress over the next week and may tell you to attend catchup sessions if I am not happy with your progress.

Final front cover deadline is 24th January.